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Wednesday, February 27

White Chocolate Cameos

This is more a post on how to do any sort of detailed mold, and I bought this one today to add a bit of traditionally delicate flair to my next old fashioned tea party! I love cameos and seeing them in a chocolate mold was too much for me not to buy this one!

Detailed chocolate molds
White chocolate wafers
Small squeeze bottle
Pot and metal bowl

Chocolate making instructions taken from my last post on caramel filled chocolates.

If this is the first time you're using your molds, take a cotton ball and polish the insides of the molds with it; this is how you clean them and will make the chocolates really shiny! Don't put the molds in the microwave or dishwasher, or even wash with hot water, or they'll melt.

Fill the pot halfway with water and set to medium. Pour chocolate wafers into the metal bowl and set over the pot of water (simmering, not boiling). Stir the wafers; when they've begun to melt, turn the heat to low. When fully melted spoon into squeeze bottle using an ice cream scoop. A normal spoon will work as well but is much messier. Make sure the lid is tight and then squeeze enough chocolate into each mold to come nearly to the top.

To level the chocolate tap on the counter or table several times until even. If you overfilled the molds it will spill over but once hardened you can simply break off any excess, and with practise you can avoid this. Stick the trays back into the fridge for about 10 minutes. The chocolates are done when you upturn the tray over a plate and they fall out(sometimes with a bit encouragement, either tapping them, pushing on them or twisting the tray). If they don't come out easily just stick them back in the fridge for a few more minutes.

You can use these same instructions for any chocolate molds you have, and any kind of chocolate! Head to my post on filling chocolates if your molds are deep enough and you want to change things up a bit. There is so much potential for experimenting with chocolate, I will be back soon with some next level chocolate recipes! Give this easy recipe a try; people are easily impressed by homemade chocolates, especially when they're gifted! And more importantly you will impress yourself as well by what you can do.

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