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Thursday, February 28

Banana Oatmeal Muffins (No Flour)

These are super easy, and even better, super healthy. Because they have no flour they're better for you and if you're going gluten free and missing baked goods, which so many people are doing now, you'll be happy to hear that for this recipe you don't need any flour at all.

I found this recipe in different forms all over the internet, each with something different than the last, so I took the basics they all agreed on and gave these a try. Most of the time old fashioned oats were called for but quick oats worked just as well.

2 1/5 cups oats
2 very ripe bananas (another half for topping)
1 cup yogurt
2 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Mix together the oats, yogurt, eggs and sugar. Mash the bananas and stir in. Add the final three ingredients and stir for a few minutes until well mixed. Spray muffin tin with non stick spray and spoon batter into cups, filling to about 3/4 full. Slice another half banana into half inch thick pieces and place on top of batter (sprinkle more cinnamon on top if desired).

These will bake for between about 20 minutes, but begin watching carefully at 15. Muffins are done when the edges begin to turn golden brown and are slightly firm to the touch. Remove from the oven and let cool for a minute or two before removing from pan. Butter and serve warm; perfect for breakfast or a quick snack before work! You could easily make the night before and refrigerate if you have a busy morning the next day and need a quick and healthy breakfast to go.

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