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Thursday, February 28

Banana Oatmeal Muffins (No Flour)

These are super easy, and even better, super healthy. Because they have no flour they're better for you and if you're going gluten free and missing baked goods, which so many people are doing now, you'll be happy to hear that for this recipe you don't need any flour at all.

I found this recipe in different forms all over the internet, each with something different than the last, so I took the basics they all agreed on and gave these a try. Most of the time old fashioned oats were called for but quick oats worked just as well.

2 1/5 cups oats
2 very ripe bananas (another half for topping)
1 cup yogurt
2 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Mix together the oats, yogurt, eggs and sugar. Mash the bananas and stir in. Add the final three ingredients and stir for a few minutes until well mixed. Spray muffin tin with non stick spray and spoon batter into cups, filling to about 3/4 full. Slice another half banana into half inch thick pieces and place on top of batter (sprinkle more cinnamon on top if desired).

These will bake for between about 20 minutes, but begin watching carefully at 15. Muffins are done when the edges begin to turn golden brown and are slightly firm to the touch. Remove from the oven and let cool for a minute or two before removing from pan. Butter and serve warm; perfect for breakfast or a quick snack before work! You could easily make the night before and refrigerate if you have a busy morning the next day and need a quick and healthy breakfast to go.

Wednesday, February 27

White Chocolate Cameos

This is more a post on how to do any sort of detailed mold, and I bought this one today to add a bit of traditionally delicate flair to my next old fashioned tea party! I love cameos and seeing them in a chocolate mold was too much for me not to buy this one!

Detailed chocolate molds
White chocolate wafers
Small squeeze bottle
Pot and metal bowl

Chocolate making instructions taken from my last post on caramel filled chocolates.

If this is the first time you're using your molds, take a cotton ball and polish the insides of the molds with it; this is how you clean them and will make the chocolates really shiny! Don't put the molds in the microwave or dishwasher, or even wash with hot water, or they'll melt.

Fill the pot halfway with water and set to medium. Pour chocolate wafers into the metal bowl and set over the pot of water (simmering, not boiling). Stir the wafers; when they've begun to melt, turn the heat to low. When fully melted spoon into squeeze bottle using an ice cream scoop. A normal spoon will work as well but is much messier. Make sure the lid is tight and then squeeze enough chocolate into each mold to come nearly to the top.

To level the chocolate tap on the counter or table several times until even. If you overfilled the molds it will spill over but once hardened you can simply break off any excess, and with practise you can avoid this. Stick the trays back into the fridge for about 10 minutes. The chocolates are done when you upturn the tray over a plate and they fall out(sometimes with a bit encouragement, either tapping them, pushing on them or twisting the tray). If they don't come out easily just stick them back in the fridge for a few more minutes.

You can use these same instructions for any chocolate molds you have, and any kind of chocolate! Head to my post on filling chocolates if your molds are deep enough and you want to change things up a bit. There is so much potential for experimenting with chocolate, I will be back soon with some next level chocolate recipes! Give this easy recipe a try; people are easily impressed by homemade chocolates, especially when they're gifted! And more importantly you will impress yourself as well by what you can do.

Caramel Filled Chocolates

Another of my food loves is chocolate. After taking a class last fall, I've made chocolates several times, and today after buying some new molds and caramel I tried filled chocolates for the first time. They're so easy if you have the right tools, and my family (including my brother who helped me) agreed that they're better than store bought!

Here is what you'll need:
Chocolate molds deep enough to add filling to
Squeeze-ums Caramel filling
Small squeeze bottle
Paintbrush that hasn't been used for painting before
Pot and metal bowl
And of course, chocolate wafers for melting!

If this is the first time you're using your molds, take a cotton ball and polish the insides of the molds with it; this is how you clean them and will make the chocolates really shiny! Don't put the molds in the microwave or dishwasher, or even wash with hot water, or they'll melt.
Fill the pot halfway with water and set to medium. Pour chocolate wafers into the metal bowl and set over the pot of water (simmering, not boiling). Stir the wafers; when they've begun to melt, turn the heat to low. When fully melted spoon into squeeze bottle using an ice cream scoop. A normal spoon will work as well but is much messier. Make sure the lid is tight and then squeeze enough chocolate into each mold to come about halfway up.

Using your paintbrush, brush up the sides of each mold, covering every surface up to the top. If this layer of chocolate is too thin, add more chocolate and brush the sides again. You want the layer to be thick enough that you can't see the plastic. Stick this in the fridge and continue melting chocolate; you'll need about the same amount as before if not more. If you still have chocolate in the bowl add as many wafers as you need and stir to prevent it becoming too hot and hardening.

Once the chocolate in the molds has lost its sheen and it hard to the touch, it's time for the caramel! Mush it around in the bag with your hands to warm it up for a few minutes before use. I used a small cutting board to push the caramel in the bag from the back towards the point, so as to not waste any, but if you have a putty knife that would work too. It has to be something firm and stiff, otherwise you won't be able to squeeze all of the wonderful caramel to the point! Cut the point off on an angle and twist the top of the bag like a piping bag, then you can start adding the caramel to the chocolate molds. You don't want this layer to be too high or there will be no more room for the next layer of chocolate. Using your fingers you can press the caramel down until it's flat and at your desired thickness.

This time you don't have to refrigerate between layers. Spoon some more melted chocolate into your squeeze bottle and fill the molds up to the top. To level the chocolate tap on the counter or table several times until even. If you overfilled the molds it will spill over but once hardened you can simply break off any excess, and with practise you can avoid this. Stick the trays back into the fridge for about 10 minutes. The chocolates are done when you upturn the tray over a plate and they fall out(sometimes with a bit encouragement, either tapping them, pushing on them or twisting the tray). If they don't come out easily just stick them back in the fridge for a few more minutes.

You will have no trouble enjoying these!

To store the caramel, push from the tip of the bag back towards the back, as far as you can, and tie off. Once the chocolate in the squeeze bottle hardens you can squish it a bit until the chocolate cracks, and pour it back into your bag of chocolate wafers. As for any chocolate left over in the metal bowl, that's fit to eat as is! Just don't burn your fingers.

Tomato Basil Chicken

Staying true to my healthy diet, I made this as an experiment for supper last night and it was a huge hit. I love tomato and basil together and this is so easy to make!

2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
2 tablespoons condensed tomato soup
1/2 cube chicken stock
1 cup boiled water

1 1/2 tbsp dried basil leaves
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp salt

Boil the chicken until fully cooked, no longer pink on the inside. While boiling preheat the oven to 400 degrees F, and mix the spices in a bowl. Boil 1 cup water and in a bowl add half a cube of chicken stock (the kind I used was 2 cups boiling water per cube, but if amounts differ just adjust to use 1 cup). Let dissolve and stir. Pour into baking pan; this is to keep the chicken moist while cooking. When the chicken is boiled, place it in the baking pan; the stock mix should reach about halfway up. Take 2/3 of the spice mix and spread evenly across the chicken, and gently rub in.

Place pan in the oven and bake for 10 minutes. Then take it out and add the condensed tomato soup, 1 tbsp spread evenly on the top of each piece of chicken, not too thin or too thick. Sprinkle the remaining spice mix on top and return to the oven for another 10 minutes. Then turn the oven to broil and watch closely to ensure it doesn't burn. This should take between 5-10 minutes. The chicken is done when the tomato just starts to show dark patches but before it actually burns.

Serve hot by itself, or with tomato soup using what's left in the can, or like my brother did, with rice! No matter how you chose to serve it, this is a delicious meal for anyone who loves chicken. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 26

Low-Calorie Omelette

I haven't posted in a while due to a new health food diet I've started, which means no more cupcakes, cinnamon roll pancakes, or cookies for a while! In that light I've decided to add a few healthier recipes to the blog.

An omelette is a really good health food item for lunch, because even though there are only two eggs in it, you feel like you're eating a lot more, and it fills up more of the plate, which tricks your brain into thinking you're more full than you would be if you hard boiled the eggs or scrambled them. This recipe is only 200 calories which is perfect for any healthy diet!

2 eggs
Seasoning Salt
Green Onions

Spray a pan with cooking spray (for a less healthy version butter is ok but I prefer non stick cooking spray) and turn on low heat. While the pan is heating beat two eggs in a bowl, add a sprinkle each of salt, pepper, and seasoning salt and beat again. Pour into pan and turn the heat up to medium/high. Chop up half of the green leaf of the onion and sprinkle evenly on top of the eggs once cooked on the bottom and the top is still raw. When ready flip the omelette, until just browned on the bottom. Serve hot and sprinkled with salt.

Saturday, February 16

Apple Pie Cupcakes

Cupcake Batter
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 1/3 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup softened butter
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
2 eggs
3/4 cup plain yogurt
1/4 cup water
1 tsp vanilla

1 apple, diced
2 tbsp melted butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp sugar

Cream Cheese Icing
6 ounces of cream cheese
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups powdered sugar

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F

In a small bowl mix the yogurt with water until it's a smooth consistency. Whisk together the dry ingredients for the Cupcake Batter first, then add the wet ingredients (including the yogurt and water mixture) slowly with a wooden spoon, stirring constantly until smooth. Place the finely chopped apple into a bowl with melted butter, stir until fully coated. Add the cinnamon and sugar, stir again, and mix in with the batter mixture. Spoon the batter evenly into greased or paper lined cups, about 3/4 full, and bake. Cupcakes will be done when slightly firm to the touch, approx 18 minutes.

For the cream cheese icing, mix together butter and cream cheese, both softened, until smooth. Would probably work best with an electric mixer but I was able to do it fine with a whisk; a wooden spoon would work as well. Then add the vanilla and stir. Just a half cup at a time add the powdered sugar and whisk together slowly until all the powdered sugar is mixed in, then stir briskly until smooth. Continue adding half cups of powdered sugar until it reaches your desired sweetness; 2 full cups worked for me, if you want it a bit tangier, then only use 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar. Once mixed smoothly you can either spread on the cupcakes straight away or, if you want the icing a bit firmer, place in the freezer for about 5 minutes.

Serve hot and enjoy!

Friday, February 15

Baked Chicken Bites

Perfect for game day or a party, these chicken bites are easy to make and easier to eat!

3 large chicken breasts
2 eggs
1/2 sleeve (approx) of plain salted crackers
Garlic salt
3 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Boil the chicken on high until maximum temperature is reached, then lower it to medium to boil until cooked. Once the chicken is no longer pink inside, it's fully cooked; remove it from the pot and onto a plate or cutting board. Cut into pieces about 1-2 inches cubed roughly. Beat two eggs in a bowl, and in another, crush the crackers into crumbs; large pieces are fine but make sure they're not too big.

Coat one piece of chicken in the egg, transfer to cracker crumbs and cover completely before placing on a baking sheet. Repeat with each piece of chicken until finished and dispose of any extra egg or cracker crumbs. Sprinkle salt over the chicken to preference, then the pepper and garlic salt, about half the amount you used for the salt. Then melt the butter, add in the lemon juice, and pour evenly over each chicken bite, about a teaspoon each. This was the perfect amount for what I had but if you need more, adjust measures of butter and lemon juice. Then stick them in the oven for between 15 and 20 minutes, until golden brown. Because the chicken was already boiled until ready to eat there's no need to worry about making sure that it's done inside, because it already is.

Serve hot with ketchup, mustard, honey mustard, mayo, or whatever your preference for dipping sauce is!

This would be the perfect recipe to liven up any leftover boiled chicken, or simply boil the chicken before your event and refrigerate until needed, as after boiling it takes under 10 minutes to prepare! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 13

Valentine's Vanilla Cupcakes with Creamy Fudge Icing

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Whether you're spending it with a special someone or not, baking is extra fun because you get to cover everything in hearts! And on the 15th you'll be able to go out and buy chocolates at crazy low prices, which I think is always a bonus no matter what holiday it is.

For these cupcakes I had planned to make my own chocolate icing, but for the sake of time/money/number of dishes I went with some delicious store bought icing instead. Even though I took it out of the fridge a long time before to let it warm to room temperature it wasn't quite soft enough to spread, so I melted it in a bowl over a pot of boiling water just enough for it to be spreadable without tearing the cupcakes.

The cupcakes themselves were very basic. This is all you need:

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup softened (not melted) butter
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Stir together the dry ingredients first, then add in the wet ingredients slowly, stirring constantly. This works best if mixing with a whisk. Stir until smooth; you can use a mixer if you prefer but it was easy enough for me to do by hand. Spoon the mixture (I used a 1/3 cup measure to do this as it was the perfect amount) into muffin cups, either greased or paper-lined, about 2/3 to 3/4 of the way full. Bake until an inserted toothpick comes out clean, between 15 and 20 minutes. Cupcakes will feel slightly firm to the touch. Let cool completely before icing; I placed them in the freezer for 5 minutes while warming the icing. Once frosted you can continue to decorate however you want.

For the cute little red hearts, I used a candy writer that tastes like chocolate, which I found at a cake supplies store around Christmas to make candy cane chocolate. I drew the hearts on a sheet of wax paper and left them to harden on the counter while the cupcakes were in the oven. Make sure the icing is at least as cool as room temperature before putting the hearts on top, though, otherwise they'll melt!

Monday, February 11

Cinnamon Sugar Cookies

Like most anyone else, I love sugar cookies. And I love cinnamon. So with these cookies you have the best of both worlds!

I started with a simple recipe for sugar cookies after looking up a few different ones, all pretty much the same. I halved the recipe because of limited supplies but if you have enough, I'd highly suggest making the full amount; these won't last long!

2 3/4 cups of all-purpose flour
After preheating the oven to 350 degrees F, stir together the flour, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl. Then in another bowl, cream together the margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then add the vanilla. Bit by bit, stir in the dry ingredients until just blended. Roll the dough into walnut sized balls and roll the balls in the sugar and cinnamon mixture. Place cookies 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets and flatten slightly with a fork.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until lightly browned at the edges. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
-It's very important that you make the cookies small and place them far apart; mine ended up huge and baked into each other.
-To make them into perfect circles I used a glass as a cookie cutter as soon as I pulled them out of the oven, and then let them cool fully. You could do this with any shape if you desire; I'll be making heart shaped cookies for Valentine's Day!
-If you want you could also add some cinnamon into the actual cookie mixture, but it's such a strong flavour that I didn't want it to overpower the taste of sugar and vanilla. It came out very well just rolling the cookies in it but again, it depends on your personal taste.
To place the cookie on the edge of the glass I cut a narrow slit not quite halfway up the cookie, having seen the idea on Pinterest. This would be a great way to serve cookies either at a party, for breakfast, or like I did, just for yourself to enjoy!

Saturday, February 2

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes with Cream Cheese Glaze

Disclaimer: This is not my recipe, I found it on Pinterest at first and after some searching found the original here! All credit goes to Recipe Girl, I claim to rights to the genius of this creation! I've pasted the recipe in to make it easier for you, and easier for me to find it again; I think this will be a weekly Sunday morning brunch at my house!

Note: I also doubled this recipe, I like my pancakes bigger than a 4 inch diameter. I used a half cup of batter for each pancake and they came to about 6 inches in diameter each, but you can do it however you want! Also MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LET THE CINNAMON FILLING SPILL OUT ONTO THE PAN WHEN YOU SWIRL IT ONTO THE PANCAKES. I did that one too many times and, well, sugar burns. I had to cook them with the window open (and it's February...and I'm in Canada...) and wash the pan halfway through cooking the pancakes to get the burnt sugar off. After flipping it you're bound to get the cinnamon filling on the pan and that's fine, but if any spills over before flipping it'll burn really fast. They still tasted amazing and had a nice caramelised flavour and texture but for the sake of trying not to let your smoke alarm go off it's best to do it as the recipe says and don't get too much cinnamon filling spilling off the sides!


Yield: Eight 4-inch pancakes
Prep Time: 25 min
Cook Time: 10 min
An absolutely decadent morning treat...
*NOTE: This recipe has been revised (2/18/12) from its original publication. I've tried the current version many times with great success. Just follow all the tips and you'll get it right!


4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, just melted (not boiling)
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
2-ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon canola or vegetable oil


Prepare the cinnamon filling: In a medium bowl, stir together the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Scoop the filling into a quart-sized heavy zip baggie and set it aside (see *Tips below).

Prepare the glaze: In a small pan, heat the butter over low heat until melted. Turn off the heat and whisk in the cream cheese until it is almost smooth. Sift the powdered sugar into the pan, stir and add in vanilla extract. Set the pan aside while you make the pancakes.

Prepare the pancake batter: In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk in the milk, egg and oil, just until the batter is moistened (a few small lumps are fine).

Cook the pancakes: Heat a large, nonstick skillet over medium-heat and spray with nonstick spray. Use an ice cream scoop (or 1/3 cup measuring cup) to add the batter to the pan. Use the bottom of the scoop or cup to spread the batter into a circle (about 4-inches in diameter). Reduce the heat to medium low. Snip the corner of your baggie of cinnamon filling and squeeze the filling into the open corner. When your pancake begins to form bubbles, add the filling. Starting at the center of the pancake, squeeze the filling on top of the pancake batter in a swirl (just as you see in a regular cinnamon roll). Cook the pancake 2 to 3 minutes, or until the bubbles begin popping on top of the pancake and it's golden brown on the bottom. Slide a thin, wide metal spatula underneath the pancake and gently but quickly flip it over. Cook an additional 2 to 3 minutes, until the other side is golden as well. When you flip the pancake onto a plate, you will see that the cinnamon filling has created a crater-swirl of cinnamon. Wipe out the pan with a paper towel, and repeat with the remaining pancake batter and cinnamon filling. Re-warm the glaze briefly, if needed. Serve pancakes topped with a drizzle of glaze.


*Quick and easy tip: Use a boxed pancake mix as the base for this recipe.
*Tips for the cinnamon filling: Before swirling, open up the baggie again and give it a good stir to re-incorporate any butter that may have separated from the sugar. You want the mixture to thicken a bit- it's best when it's similar to the squeezing texture of a tube of toothpaste, which will happen if you leave it at room temperature for several minutes. Don't try to use the filling for the pancake swirl unless it has thickened as it will be too runny to make a solid swirl.
*Keep the heat low or your pancakes might cook up too quickly. Don't flip them until you see those bubbles starting to pop on top. Flip them with a wide spatula so you can grasp the whole thing without batter and filling dripping all over the place!
*I wrote a very detailed post on how to get the cinnamon filling *just right* on my Gingerbread- Cinnamon Roll Pancakes Post. Check it out before you attempt these!
*If you're trying to justify your intake of decadent cinnamon rolls, you can make this a tad bit healthier by using half whole-wheat flour and low fat cream cheese, or enjoy the pancakes without glaze.


Though the recipe is not mine, the pictures are, to show you that the incredibleness of the original recipe is possible in your own kitchen! I'd say enjoy, but I really don't think you'll have a problem with that here :)