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Monday, January 21

Sweet Cinnamon Popovers

When I was a kid my mom would make the best popovers, and the batch didn't last more than 20 minutes after she put them on the table. After finding her recipe I searched for creative ideas that involved popovers and decided to use sugar and cinnamon, one of my favourite combinations, to put new life into an classic.

(If you want to try something really cool check out this recipe I found while Googling)

1 Cup of Flour
1 Cup of Milk
1 Egg
1 teaspoon White Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
Pinch Nutmeg
Pinch Allspice
1/4 teaspoon Brown Sugar

I doubled this recipe because my muffin tin had 12 cups. If you're doing this with 6 large cups you'll need to double it as well.

These were done in a muffin tin with 12 cups, but if you have an actual popover tin that should work just as well. In each muffin cup put a bit of butter, about 1/4 teaspoon in each, and place this in the over after preheating at 375 degrees. In a bowl beat 1 egg, then beat in the milk, flour, white and brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. Once the butter is simmering in the muffin cups remove the tray from the oven with an oven mitt and spoon in the batter evenly between all of the cups. Don't be afraid to fill it all the way to the top, that's how they pop over!

Turn the temperature from 375 to 450 now, then place the muffin tray back into the oven. They take 20 minutes to bake, and are best served hot, so take them straight out of the tray (using a fork to make sure it isn't stuck inside the cup or it will rip apart) and put them onto a plate. With a bit more butter on top to melt, and a sprinkle of sugar, these are perfect served as breakfast, dessert, tea, or just a snack!


Tip: to make plain popovers, just don't add the white and brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice; instead, just a pinch of salt, served with butter on top.

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