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Monday, December 31

Toasted Bacon and Avocado Sandwich with Cheese

1 Portuguese Bun
1/2 Avocado
Two strips of Bacon
Two slices of Old Fashioned Cheddar
Sprinkle of Salt

I have been wanting to make a sandwich with avocado in it for a long time after seeing it on the Food Network, and I finally got the chance! For this one I used my favourite kind of bun, a Portuguese Bun, which I cut in half and toasted by placing it in a pan with butter and frying on low until the edges were golden brown and crispy. While the bacon was frying on medium and covered with a lid, I cut open the avocado and thinly sliced it, placing it on the bottom bun to cover the entire thing. After that I sprinkled it with a bit of salt to bring out a bit more of the flavour. Then I put the bacon over the avocado (I like my bacon extra crispy which worked well with this sandwich but I'm sure it would be fine no matter how well done you fried it) and the cheese on top of that. Because the bacon had had a chance to cool first it didn't melt the cheese so I did that myself; I find it tastes better with the cheese melted than not.

This was a really simple dish and tasted amazing. The flavours weren't too heavy and tied together nicely. I'm sure you could add veggies and seasoning but it was amazing the way it was.

Side note: Avocados are high in fat and calories (306 calories in a medium sized avocado) but they are very beneficial to your body. The fats contained are mostly healthy fats that actually aid your system in lowering cholesterol.

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