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Sunday, December 30

Sunny Side up Burger with Cucumber

2 slices of White Bread
Leftover Ground Beef
2 Eggs
Chopped Romaine Lettuce
Thinly Sliced Cucumber

I love making things out of leftovers because it takes what is usually bland and dry to another level. Tonight I made a burger with a sunny side up egg on top, something I've wanted to try for a while. I refried and season the ground beef with seasoning salt and regular salt, then mixed it up with a raw egg, returning it to the pan and pressing it down into a patty, and putting the lid on top to fully cook the egg. After flipping it a few times and ensuring it was cooked I put my two slices of bread in the pan as well to toast (it betters the flavour instead of just putting it in the toaster) and fried an egg in another pan. I fried it sunny side up, flipping it on its top for a few seconds to just cook over the yoke but leaving it runny inside. After that I put my cucumbers on the first piece of toast, then the lettuce, the patty, and finally the egg. It was fun to break the egg and watch the yoke running down the rest of the ingredients; the yoke acts as a sauce in itself which is why I didn't put anything else on the toast (all I had was Ceaser dressing and it would have been too strong; mayo or something similar would have been delicious).

This burger was a bit dry because the ground beef was leftover from the night before, but if made fresh, which I'll try next time, I think it would be awesome. I'll also add some sharp cheddar between the patty and the egg, which I think would give it a nice pop of flavour. I'm not a fan of burger buns unless for a traditional burger packed with ingredients, so the toast was really nice, especially because I managed to get it so nice and golden in the pan, but next time I think I'll use my favourite: the Portuguese bun. I'm also not a fan of tomatoes but I'm sure for someone who liked them they would go well with the others flavours in this burger, as would any other veggies you care to try.

Keep the patty small and this is a nice light lunch idea. No over seasoning, just a bit of salt and pepper should be fine or it will overpower the simplicity of the flavours. Also make sure the veggies and lettuce are completely drained or they'll made the toast soggy.

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